“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” – Acts 4:31
Please join us as we come together to pray for nine days to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit.
The novena to the Holy Spirit can trace its history all the way back to the very first Pentecost. It is the oldest novena in the history of the Church. To this day, it is the only novena officially prescribed by the Catholic Church. Our prayers are directed to the Holy Spirit and focus on a different virtue each day. For nine days we pray together to receive the fruits of charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control, and goodness.
Building toward Pentecost, our novena will include a brief reflection and prayer each morning for nine days. We will all pray together the Novena to the Holy Spirit (found below).
The call begins at 8:00 AM every morning, and we anticipate that it will last between 5-10 minutes. On May 22nd, the final day of the novena, you are welcome to pray the rosary with us after the normal prayer.

Daily: Friday, May 14 – Saturday, May 22
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM
Join Using:
Zoom on Your Computer: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86124833768
Call-in Number: (408) 638-0968
Meeting ID: 861 2483 3768
Daily Reflections
Below are the leaders of the reflections:
CHARITY Friday, May 14: Fr. Mark Arnzen, Pastor, Saint Lucy Parish
JOY Saturday, May 15: Fr. Matthew Schmitz LC, Chaplain, Canyon Heights Academy
PEACE Sunday, May 16: Rubén Solorio, President, Sacred Heart Nativity School
PATIENCE Monday, May 17: Richard Noack, Deacon, Saint Christopher Parish
KINDNESS Tuesday, May 18: Mary Aumack, CEO, Catholic Community Foundation
FAITHFULNESS Wednesday, May 19: Andrew Brown, Religious Education Teacher, Saint Francis High School and Executive Director of Echoes of Worth
GENTLENESS Thursday, May 20: Fr. Andrew C. Nguyen, Director of Vocations, Diocese of San Jose
SELF-CONTROL Friday, May 21: Klarissa Chichioco, Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Queen of Apostles Parish
GOODNESS Saturday, May 22: Nicholas Carney, Endowment and Planned Giving Manager, Catholic Community Foundation
Novena to the Holy Spirit Prayer
Lord Jesus, as God’s Spirit came down and rested upon you,
May the same Spirit rest on us,
Bestowing his sevenfold gifts.
First, grant us the gift of understanding,
By which your precepts may enlighten our minds.
Second, grant us counsel, by which we may follow
in your footsteps on the path of righteousness.
Third, grant us courage,
by which we may ward off the enemy’s attacks.
Fourth, grant us knowledge,
by which we can distinguish good from evil.
Fifth, grant us piety,
by which we may acquire compassionate hearts.
Sixth, grant us fear,
by which we may draw back from evil
and submit to what is good.
Seventh, grant us wisdom,
that we may taste fully the life-giving sweetness of your love.
Prayer of St. Bonaventure to the Holy Spirit

Questions or trouble logging in/dialing in to the novena? Contact Nick Carney at 408.995.5219 or carney@catholiccf.org