Education Tuition Assistance Endowment

Catholic schools are an integral partner with parents in the upbringing and faith formation of our community’s youth. Unmatched academic excellence, discipline and values, makes Catholic schools a valuable and necessary good for future generations. However, as demand increases operating costs, tuition increases unfortunately restrict access to Catholic education for many families in need.

This endowment grants annually to the Diocese of San Jose’s Education Department. Grants from this fund have allowed the Diocese to double its ability to provide aid to those who request it, offering 80% of those seeking tuition aid access to Catholic education.

Thank you for your generosity and for helping us build FOREVER VALUE!

If you would like to donate to a different fund at the Foundation, please visit our general donation form.

If you prefer to make a donation by check:

Please make your check payable to "The Catholic Community Foundation"

Include which fund the donation is for in the memo line

Mail it to: 777 North First St., Suite 490, San Jose CA 95112

If you prefer to donate using stock:

Please download this stock transfer form and send the completed form to the Foundation.

Tribute Gift Instructions

Type of Tribute: The kind of milestone this gift is acknowledging
Name of Honoree: The person you are honoring with this gift
Tribute Card Recipient Name: The person who we will send the tribute card to. It may be the same as the honoree (e.g. for a marriage celebration) or a different person (e.g. the spouse or child of the deceased)
Recipient Address: Where we should send the tribute card