During times of uncertainty and need, we answer our Gospel call with action, advocacy and prayer. This is an unprecedented time, and the Catholic Community is responding. It is important to remember the most vulnerable among us, as well as the institutions that we normally rely on that are seeing their resources depleted.
On our behalf, diocesan leadership and Catholic Charities are working tirelessly to address the needs of our community. We are called to support them in this vital work.
At the Catholic Community Foundation, our role is to connect generous donors with effective programs and institutions that are working to improve and assist our community. In partnership with Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, we invite you to contribute to the initiatives below that need our support.
Catholic Charities COVID-19 Relief Response
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County is responding to the current pandemic with a flexible, scalable and evolving strategy to meet the critical needs of our community’s most vulnerable residents. Their essential services continue and staff members from throughout the agency are being deployed to help those most in need due to COVID-19. Some of the staff are working remotely, but many are on the front lines of services.

Food distribution at Our Lady of Refuge
Historically, Catholic Charities has been a leader for social justice and poverty solutions in Silicon Valley and their leadership continues during these uncertain times. Catholic Charities is a lead agency of CADRE (Collaborating Agencies Disaster Relief Effort) and has officially been activated to respond to Santa Clara County.
- They have greatly expanded their relationship with Second Harvest Food Bank and are retooling the Family Resource Centers (FRCs) to be Food Distribution Sites.
- With the shutdown of the CORAL after-school program due to mandatory school closures, they have reallocated all CORAL Site Managers and Instructors to help at Second Harvest Food Bank’s warehouses to package food for the community.
The community market at Our Lady of Refuge transformed from farmer’s market to drive-through food distribution to keep both employees and clients safe.
The community market at Our Lady of Refuge has transformed from a farmer’s market to drive-through food distribution to keep both the employees and the clients they serve safe.
- They have reassigned staff from a number of temporarily suspended programs to serve as food delivery drivers to meet the needs of their clients throughout the county.
- Counseling appointments for mental-health services and crisis response staff are conducting virtual appointments and sessions.
- The Window, serving homeless individuals and families, and Senior Services at John XXIII remain at full operation as deemed essential services.
Cash donations will help Catholic Charities serve those in the greatest need and meet the expanded demand for critical services.
Your gifts to both the COVID-19 Relief Fund and General Support Fund will be directed to our community’s greatest needs.
Gifts to these two funds will allow Catholic Charities to respond flexibly to requests from clients and community partners, and pay for their staff who are now being re-assigned to help with food delivery and other community needs throughout the county.
Never has the need been greater for community and individual support to help our neighbors in this time of crisis.
For more information on how you can help, please contact Kathleen Burroughs, (408) 981-9147 or kburroughs@catholiccharitiesscc.org.
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Thank you for your generosity and for helping us build FOREVER VALUE!
If you would like to donate to a different fund at the Foundation, please visit our general donation form.