Updated August 2024 In 2021, a coalition of experts in pediatric health declared a national emergency in child and adolescent mental health. Rates of childhood mental health concerns and suicide have risen steadily since 2010, and by 2018 suicide was the second...
By Marie Galetto-Dugoni The pastor, staff and volunteers at Saint Victor Parish work hard to create engaging, spiritually fulfilling experiences for their parishioners. In 2017, Fr. Mark Gazzingan, Tamra Nelson, and the parish staff decided to try something new. The...
Parish Stewardship Grant – Most Holy Trinity Parish Most Holy Trinity parish is a community built on volunteer power. This multi-lingual, vibrant community has nine masses each weekend in four languages. They serve more than 300 families and 200 homeless each week...
Each year, the Foundation reviews the applications in the Parish Outreach category of the Spring Grant Cycle and considers applicants for a two-year grant. This means that the program selected will receive a grant this year and next year they will receive the same...
On March 17, the Foundation closed the application for the 14th annual Spring Grant Cycle. Over 45 parishes and parochial schools in the Diocese of San Jose submitted 151 applications in an effort to receive funding for their programs. Over $300,000 was awarded to...
Thursday evenings are full of activity at Saint Leo the Great Parish in San Jose, but they weren’t always that way. When Fr. Steve Kim came to the parish, he wanted to offer free hot meals for people in need. The parish wasn’t currently offering a program like that,...