Each year, the Foundation reviews the applications in the Parish Outreach category of the Spring Grant Cycle and considers applicants for a two-year grant. This means that the program selected will receive a grant this year and next year they will receive the same...
On March 17, the Foundation closed the application for the 14th annual Spring Grant Cycle. Over 45 parishes and parochial schools in the Diocese of San Jose submitted 151 applications in an effort to receive funding for their programs. Over $300,000 was awarded to...
Arogyaswami (Paul) Paulraj and his wife Nimi grew up in Catholic families in India where Christians make up about 3% of the population, and Catholics are a smaller percentage still. While most of their friends and some family members did not share their faith, Nimi...
At the end of 2022, Congress passed the new budget law that included provisions from the “Secure Act 2.0.” The main goal of these new laws is to enhance retirement benefits, but there are also some interesting philanthropic implications. Required Minimum Distribution...
What are the pros and cons of each of these vehicles? Which is right for your needs and desired impact? Learn more about our Donor Advised Funds >> FeatureCCF DAFPrivate FoundationSet-Up CostNoneLegal & AccountingEase of Set-UpA simple form & can grant...
By Marie Galetto-Dugoni Do you know the difference between responsive and strategic grantmaking? Do you know which is best for your giving? Most of the conversation around these topics is usually focused on foundations or major donors, however taking a critical look...