Faith is a gift, given to all, although not equally. There is no way to earn it; however, we can definitely nurture it. Everyone has enough faith to be saved; that is what defines a merciful God.(read more…)
The Center provides tutoring services to students of low-income families that are at academic risk due to many factors, including a lack of an English-speaking household or access to educational assistance more…) Jamie began the afterschool homework...
Have you ever heard of a planned gift? If you have not, you are not alone. Statistics show that 63% of those of us over the age of 30 are not familiar with the term planned giving. A planned gift is simple: it is a gift that is planned. The plan can be written in...
Focused on the theme – “Building Through Faith: Compassion. Commitment. Community,” the Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County hosted a celebration of broad and deep Catholic social presence in the Santa Clara Valley (read more…)