ON A FIRM FOUNDATION: Continuing my Story

By Mary Quilici Aumack, My “story” started before I was born. The writing began long before my parents. It includes my sisters and my brothers, my neighborhood, Saint Justin Parish/School, Notre Dame High School, Gonzaga University, my husband Doug and daughter Kacey,...

Catholic Foundation Spring Grant Cycle Now Open

The Catholic Foundation of Santa Clara County would like to announce that the 2016 Spring Grant Cycle is now open. The organization is accepting applications in the following areas. The total amount available in each fund is also noted: Apolonia Andre Fund for...

Catholic Community Foundation Hosts Christmas Giving Appeal

In the spirit of giving in the holiday season, the Catholic Community Foundation is hosting its first Christmas giving initiative. The goal of the appeal is to inspire financial support for community programs in true need of our help. The online giving initiative will...

On a Firm Foundation: The Definition of “Family”

By Mary Quilici Aumack As I write this, I am visiting my sister and her family in Oregon. Our Thanksgiving visit to the Northwest is a multi-decade tradition. It is one of the countless blessings for which I am deeply grateful. We celebrate the holidays with “blood...

On a Firm Foundation: Stewardship, at the County Fair and in Ministry

Well before I could even spell Stewardship, I lived it, through the example of my parents. At Saint Justin we had the annual “Fun Day,” and at a very young age we were required to volunteer at a booth, to help raise money for the parish, including the school. The...

Hoping to Leave a Lasting Legacy

There are many definitions of “legacy,” but here’s the one I like: “Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor.”My father, Aldo Quilici, left no bequests, and yet he left a deep and powerful legacy. He handed down his love of family, and...