2017 Spring Grant Cycle Now Open

2017 Spring Grant Cycle Now Open

By Marie Galetto Marketing & Grants Program Manager As the newest member of the Catholic Community Foundation’s staff, it has been fascinating to learn about all the programs that we are able to support in our local community. From homeless outreach, to youth...

On a Firm Foundation: What did you get for Christmas?

By Mary Quilici Aumack Executive Director When I was in school, from elementary at Saint Justin all the way through my time at Gonzaga, I recall this question when getting back from vacation: What did you get for Christmas? There were some years when I proudly sported...

On a Firm Foundation: I Choose Gratitude

By Mary Quilici Aumack Executive Director GRATITUDE: The virtue by which a person acknowledges, interiorly and exteriorly, gifts received and seeks to make at least some return for the gift conferred. When we were all in grammar school we learned that after...

Finding God in Everything

By Mary Quilici Aumack This is an accounting of two weeks in my life; finding God in everything. Doug and I live in the Santa Cruz Mountains, just outside Los Gatos. It’s a 20-minute drive to church, and yet worlds away. This “telling” starts with the first big rain...

On a Firm Foundation: Time, Talent, Treasure and Tradition

STEWARDSHIP:  Tending, taking care, preserving. We often speak of stewardship in three areas: Time, Talent and Treasure. I would like to add TRADITION. What is tradition? Simply, it’s something that is so enjoyable or meaningful that we want to do it over and over....