“Follow the saints, because those who follow them will become saints.”
– Pope St. Clement I
Please join us in virtual community to pray a novena in reverence to All Saints in heaven.
Building toward the Feast of All Saints on November 1st, our novena will include a brief reflection and prayer each morning for nine days. We will all pray together the Novena to All Saints (found at the bottom of this email).
The call begins at 8:00 AM every morning, and we anticipate that it will last between 5-10 minutes. On October 31st, the final day of the novena, you are welcome to pray the rosary with us after the normal prayer.

Daily: Friday, October 23 – Saturday, October 31
8:00 AM – 8:10 AM
Join Using:
Zoom on Your Computer:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87336430050
Call-in Number: (408) 638-0968
Meeting ID: 873 3643 0050
Daily Reflections
Below are the leaders of the reflections:
October 23: Fr. Mark Arnzen, Pastor, Saint Lucy Parish
October 24: Mary Aumack, CEO, Catholic Community Foundation
October 25: Kathleen Quiazon, Director of Mission & Ministry, Notre Dame High School
October 26: Fr. Andrew C. Nguyen, Pastor, Saint Thomas of Canterbury
October 27: Bishop Oscar Cantú, Bishop of the Diocese of San José
October 28: Fr. Simon Devereux, Vocations Director, Legionaries of Christ
October 29: Nick Carney, Endowment & Planned Giving Manager, The Catholic Community Foundation
October 30: Fr. Joe Kim, Pastor, Saint John Vianney
October 31: Fr. Gary Thomas, Pastor, Sacred Heart, Saratoga
All Saints Novena Prayer
My heavenly brothers and sisters, from those most renowned to those of greatest obscurity, I come before you now in all humility and commend myself, and all who are dear to me, to your intercession.
Pray for us always, that we may awake each day with a burning desire for the Lord whose Face you behold, that we will maintain an intimate personal relationship with Jesus, our Savior and Head, and that we will not hesitate to proclaim God’s greatness to others, and love them as the Lord loves us.
As you offer your continual praise before the throne of God, I raise my heart to you now to implore your powerful intercession.
I am confident that your prayers on our behalf will be graciously heard by our loving and merciful Lord. By his grace, may we someday join you in the glory of the Father’s house.

Questions or trouble logging in/dialing in to the novena? Contact Nick Carney at 408.995.5219 or carney@cfoscc.org