A Love that Gives: How Emma and Vincent Used Their Donor Advised Fund to Share the Blessings of Their Wedding

A Love that Gives: How Emma and Vincent Used Their Donor Advised Fund to Share the Blessings of Their Wedding

By Marie Galetto-Dugoni

In a world where wedding registries are often filled with household items, Emma and Vincent chose a different path —one that not only celebrated their love but also honored their faith by using a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) to turn their wedding gifts into a powerful force for good. The choice to register for donations to their DAF reflects this couple’s deep faith and generosity and highlights the kind of couple they will be throughout their marriage.

Emma, a local from Sunnyvale, met Vincent, who grew up in Southern France, in 2009. They were casual acquaintances for many years and always enjoyed each other’s company. Emma did not consider pursuing Vincent romantically because she heard through mutual friends that he was considering a vocation to religious life once his daughter was an adult. She thought it was a beautiful decision and continued to enjoy their friendship, never expecting it to develop into anything more.

“I always thought I would remain single and, for a time, even considered a life of prayer or service in the Church,” said Vincent, “but after reflection I realized that I was truly meant to remain in the world. I always loved being a dad and wanted to be there for my daughter, even after she was grown.” However, God had other plans. A coworker challenged him to pray about the future of his family, reminding him that his love for others was meant to be shared. He soon realized that God was leading him to be open to marriage again.

It wasn’t long before Vincent decided to ask Emma if she’s like to talk, and talk they did. “It was an instant connection,” says Vincent. “Our first date was 12 hours! Our priorities matched one another’s. We shared the same faith and saw that our love for God was of first importance to each of us.” Their love quickly blossomed. When Vincent proposed, he knelt down on the grassy spot under the trees where the couple had prayed their first rosary together. Emma said, “Yes – totally!”

Both Emma and Vincent had been living on their own before their engagement, so they had double of all the household items couples typically register for. “Instead of getting gifts, we joked that we should have a garage sale for our wedding guests,” recalls Emma. Rather than risk having three of everything, Vincent recalled hearing the idea of donating to a DAF as a wedding present. Those gifts would fuel their philanthropy for years to come, and the giver gets a tax deduction. Talk about a win-win wedding gift!

Vincent and Emma with Penny the alpaca
Vincent and Emma with Penny the alpaca during their wedding reception

Vincent and Emma were married on April 27, 2024 at their parish, Our Lady of Peace Church and Shrine in Santa Clara, during a Mass concelebrated by the pastor, Father Brian Dinkel, and Father Michael Pintacura. A fun luncheon reception followed. “We wanted our wedding to be a ton of fun for kids,” explained Emma. The reception included a bounce house, petting zoo (complete with alpaca named Penny), crafts and games. “We also had 14 flower girls. Anyone under 18 who wanted to be a flower girl could be one at the Mass itself. It was great!” recalled Emma.

Now that the wedding festivities have ended, they have the joyous task of granting from their DAF.  Giving has always been important to them individually, and now they are learning more about each other through the programs and ministries that inspire each of them.

“Previously, we might not have been as aware of the causes the other one was drawn to,” says Vincent, “but through discussion and sharing our heart with one another, we are seeking to contribute in ways that matter not only to us as individuals but to each other.”

Vincent and Emma during their wedding Mass

A Donor Advised Fund is like a checking account for charitable giving, and it offers flexibility for Vincent and Emma’s giving. They can make grants to nonprofits all over the United States. Some smaller charities can’t accept gifts of stock or complex assets, so a DAF can be the perfect tool for these gifts. An individual can donate stock to a DAF, and then grant (in the form of checks) to charities of their choice. The Foundation’s online DAF portal makes it easy to request new grants and see the history of grants, gifts, and investments all in one place.

Through their Donor Advised Fund, Emma and Vincent have not only shared their wedding blessings but also have laid the foundation for a lifetime of giving. Their story is a testament to the power of generosity and faith in building a future filled with compassion and service. As Emma and Vincent continue to make an impact through their Donor Advised Fund, you too can explore how a DAF might enhance your charitable giving. Discover the flexibility and benefits of a Donor Advised Fund by learning more about the Foundation’s DAFs and start your journey towards making a lasting difference in the world.