Message from Pat Waite, Chair of the Board of the Catholic Community Foundation
It is with a mixture of gratitude and hope that we announce that Mary Quilici Aumack will be stepping down from her role as CEO, beginning an orderly leadership transition that will take place over the next several months. After 17 years of dedicated service to the Foundation’s mission and the local Catholic community, Mary has decided to pursue her next professional chapter. We have been blessed to have Mary lead this organization for so many years. Her faith-filled leadership and deep commitment to the work have ensured the long-term success of the Foundation. Mary shepherded the organization through many milestones, including the expansion to a community foundation model in 2012, the remarkable charitable response to the 2020 pandemic, and reaching the historic $10 million granting goal in 2024.
The Board of Directors assembled a Search Committee that has begun the process of finding a successor. We are forever grateful for Mary’s hard work which has shaped the Foundation into the community-focused, faith-centered, and far-sighted organization that it is today, and we are looking forward to welcoming a new CEO who will continue building on the strong foundation that she laid.
Message from Mary Quilici Aumack, CEO of the Catholic Community Foundation
Dear Friends,
In all aspects of our work at the Foundation, we consider our valued stakeholders:
- Beneficiaries: institutional partners for whom we contribute financial strength through funds, particularly the Diocese of San José
- Donors: people with whom we work to advance ministry and improve community
- Advisors: trusted partners of families executing meaningful philanthropy
- CCF Board and Staff
Now as I look back on my time at the Foundation, I know that we have made a difference with these important partners, together advancing the Foundation’s position as a trusted, effective Catholic grant maker.
From this work I have derived great joy.
Joy from being part of a small and mighty team with brilliant coworkers who cherish the work, share high standards, celebrate our faith, and love each other.
Joy from building funds that will support our local Church FOREVER.
Joy from working with families as they create and deploy their philanthropic strategies. It is impossible to overstate the value of sitting with a family when they have the “AH HA” moment of shared passion.
Joy from being part of a team, along with attorneys, CPAs, wealth managers and insurance executives who work together to enhance family philanthropy.
Joy from the strength and support of a highly qualified, deeply engaged, passionate and faith-filled board.
Joy from fun and deeply meaningful collaboration with my peers at Catholic Foundations throughout the U.S. as we developed and launched the Consortium of Catholic Foundations.
Joy from connecting, in so many ways
- Donors to important work and institutions
- Donors to each other, to explore common ideas for giving
- Individuals to opportunities – for giving, for employment, for volunteerism
Joy from experiencing the growth of effective grant making.
In our work we have endeavored to live up to our tagline of building FOREVER VALUE for the families and institutions who trust us. We have crafted and achieved a model for institutional financial strength and sustainability which will help us fulfill that promise.
This work has been among the many great blessings of my life. It has been the opportunity for an intersection of my business experience and knowledge with the Gospel call to serve. Countless times I have said, “It’s the Holy Spirit,” in explaining a connection, a new friend, or the opportunity for a deeply meaningful grant.
As I look back on my time at the Foundation, I celebrate our impact. At the same time, I know that there is more to do and room for great innovation and growth. I will be anticipating and happily observing all the work yet to be done, the stories not yet written.
As for my next steps, stay tuned. I do not plan to retire, but rather I hope to stay in the world of effective philanthropy.
Generosity stems from gratitude. I am so very grateful for this ineffable experience.