Giving a DAF for Christmas

Giving a DAF for Christmas

One donor’s story of family philanthropy using gifted Donor Advised Funds

A number of donors were inspired to take advantage of the Donor Advised Fund Match not only for their own DAFs, but to create DAFs for their children. The idea of “giving a DAF for Christmas” caught on with families who wanted to engage with their adult children or grandchildren around topics of gratitude, generosity, and legacy.

Frank and Gayle Boitano were one such couple who decided to give their daughters and sons-in-law the “gift of giving.” They began the conversation about philanthropy with their daughters and spouses during a family vacation over the summer, revisited the topic at Thanksgiving, and gifted them the DAFs at Christmas.

“We know that getting Lindsay and Lauren more engaged and excited about giving will take time,” said Frank. “Gayle and I hope that our legacy of philanthropy will live on through our daughters and their families. We feel that it is more beneficial to get them involved today while we can encourage and mentor them in the ‘gift of giving.’”

The Foundation’s Donor Advised Fund Match continues through the end of 2024 (or until matching funds run out!). Find out how you can increase the impact of your charitable dollars through this match.