Technology Upgrades Increase Parish’s World-Wide Reach

Technology Upgrades Increase Parish’s World-Wide Reach

By Marie Galetto-Dugoni, Marketing Manager


Five Wounds Parish started livestreaming mass using a cell phone duct taped to a table

A cell phone, a make-shift tripod, and a laptop were the extent of the technology available to Five Wounds Parish for livestreaming masses at the beginning of the pandemic. And for a time, the parish made that work. Like many parishes throughout our diocese and across the country, the innovative and dedicated staff of Five Wounds Parish continued to provide daily mass to approximately 850 viewers and Sunday mass to about 2,000 viewers despite these limitations.

When it came time to apply for grants in the Foundation’s Spring Grant Cycle, the parish saw an opportunity to expand their livestreaming capabilities. Under the Parish Stewardship category, the parish, received a grant, along with two other gifts from parishioners, for the purchase and installation of three high quality cameras and a complete livestreaming and video switching setup. Since the beginning of the pandemic, they have seen the livestream audience expand to an average of 1,500 – 2,500 viewers during daily mass and 5,000 – 6,000 for Sunday mass. They have viewers for their English and Portuguese masses from all over the United States and across the world including Canada, Brazil, Japan and France!

United States, Canada, Portugal, Brazil, Japan, France, Nigeria, India, Bangladesh

Countries where people tune in to view Fr. António’s English & Portuguese masses


Now the parish uses a state-of-the-art three-camera video broadcasting system thanks to donations from two families and a grant from the Foundation.

Fr. Antonio Silveira, pastor of Five Wounds Parish, believes that they are stronger now as a community thanks to the ability to livestream effectively. Parishioners enjoy Fr. Antonio’s sense of humor and look forward to his “person of the day” during mass. Every day, Fr. Antonio recognizes and dedicates a special prayer to someone in the community.

In 2020, the Foundation awarded roughly $80,000 in grants to parishes for upgrading livestreaming and outdoor mass equipment. Thanks to the strength of endowments and the generosity of donors, parishes like Five Wounds received grants which allowed them to continue connecting with their parishioners even while physically distant.


Amount the Foundation granted to parishes for upgrading livestreaming and outdoor mass equipment in 2020

To support more programs like these, donate to the Spring Grant Cycle Supplemental Fund at