A Gift of FOREVER VALUE for our Beloved Cathedral Basilica

A Gift of FOREVER VALUE for our Beloved Cathedral Basilica

By Marie Galetto-Dugoni, Marketing Manager

We often speak about FOREVER VALUE, this idea that through a donation or bequest to an endowment you can remain part of that institutions and its ministries FOREVER.

They called themselves the “Roman Guards of the Cathedral.”  This anonymous husband and wife – parishioners at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Joseph for many decades – were historians and docents, with deep affection for this jewel of downtown San Jose.

During the Rooted in Faith Capital Campaign 15 years ago, one element was the upkeep and preservation of the Cathedral.  As part of the campaign, this couple made a donation along with many others.  The Cathedral had among the highest designated giving of all elements of the campaign. This generosity created an endowment at the Foundation that has granted over $1 million since the first grant in 2009. Projects supported by these grants have included painting the entire exterior, electrical upgrades, and restoring the stained-glass windows. In the years since their first donation, the “Roman Guards” continued to give annually.

“The cathedral is more than just the building – it is the center of our diocese and truly a jewel for the city of San Jose. This cathedral shows the best of what we, as Catholics, can be for the greater community.  It proves to be a beacon for those in need, both spiritually and physically.”Joyce Denzel, Cathedral Docent

Through the years, the couple had many conversations with the Foundation about their intent to include the Foundation in their estate plan, solely in support of the Cathedral Preservation Endowment. Now they are in heaven, and this beautiful gift from their estate establishes their legacy and keeps their love and spirit among us. Because of their generosity and important planning, the Foundation will make material annual grants in support of this historic and holy place FOREVER.

Each of us can provide FOREVER VALUE to a parish, school, religious order or ministry as part of our legacy. If you’d like to have a conversation about it, please contact us.

If you would like to support the Cathedral Preservation Endowment, click here.