Celebrating the Resilience of Saint Joseph

Celebrating the Resilience of Saint Joseph

By Nick Carney Today we celebrate the Feast of Saint Joseph. The patron saint of workers, a happy death, husbands, fathers, and the Universal Church. That is high praise for a man who doesn’t have any spoken words in the Bible. From what we learn in the Gospels, he is...
Preparation for Lent

Preparation for Lent

By Nick Carney Recently I had the opportunity to share a retreat weekend with several great men. It was a wonderful opportunity to start my Lent by recharging and refocusing on the season. All the men were at different stages of their lives. Some were right out of...
Why Bunching Donations Today Makes Sense for Tomorrow

Why Bunching Donations Today Makes Sense for Tomorrow

By Marie Galetto-Dugoni We have written about bunching before, so why might now an opportune time to bunch your charitable donations into a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? Below is a scenario you may want to discuss with your CPA or wealth advisor (or – for CPAs and...