2020 Spring Grant Cycle Updates

$5,000 Grant per Parish for Coronavirus Response & Relief

Thanks to a generous match sponsored by an anonymous donor, this year, the Foundation will send every parish a grant for $5,000 – no application necessary.


This money may be used for any costs related to the pandemic. For example:

  • Purchasing sanitation equipment and supplies
  • Purchasing technology equipment for virtual masses and ministries
  • Adding funds to outreach programs (food, rental assistance, etc.) to help people who have been impacted by the pandemic
  • Any other costs associated with reopening parishes in light of the pandemic


About this Grant

  • NO application necessary – every parish will automatically be sent a check for $5,000 in July 2020
  • If you feel that your parish is in a stable financial situation and would like to forward your grant to a parish with greater needs, we encourage you to do so.
  • Let us know what you did with your $5,000! We will be reaching out with a survey to find out how this money helped your parish community or which parish you decided to help.


Questions? Contact Maya Reyes at reyes@cfoscc.org or 408.995.5219.


⇒ Friday, July 24 @ 5:00pm ⇐

Expect award letters in early September and grant checks by the end of September

If you would like to reopen an application you previously submitted, please contact Maya Reyes at reyes@cfoscc.org or call 408.995.5219


Spring Grant Application Overview, Update and Q&A

On Tuesday, July 7, the Foundation’s Grants Program Manager, Maya Reyes, gave an overview of the Spring Grant Cycle and important updates about the delayed 2020 application deadline. The live event including the Q&A was recorded. Click the button below to view the recorded event.

If you have questions for Maya after watching the webinar, email her at reyes@cfoscc.org or call 408.995.5219.

Spring Grants Application Update and Q&A

Slide Presentation

Click here to download the slide presentation from the webinar >>

2020 Spring Grant Cycle Updates & FAQs

Last updated June 29, 2020


Typically, the Foundation is able to fulfill about 30% of applicants’ requests in the Spring Grant Cycle. Thanks to the match opportunity provided by an anonymous donor this year, the Foundation hopes to fulfill a larger percentage of requests.

Please think broadly about your “new normal” when applying for these grants. For example, Pastoral Ministry Training and Formation grants may include faith formation programs that are re-imagined to be virtual or restructured based on new health guidelines.



Can I request money for sanitation supplies or technology upgrades?

Yes, but ONLY parishes are allowed to submit applications in this category. Parish Stewardship grants can be used for physical upgrades to the parish, and this may include increased supplies for sanitation, upgraded technology, or other improvements to the worship space/experience. That being said, we do understand that many parishes and schools share technology and supplies.

Can I reopen my application? Do I need to resubmit my application if I don’t want to change anything?

Yes, if you submitted your application but would like to modify it, please contact Maya Reyes (reyes@cfoscc.org) to have her reopen it for you. For parishes, you pastor will have to re-approve the new version of the application once it’s resubmitted.

If you have a submitted application that you completed before the June deadline and you don’t want to make any changes, you do NOT have to resubmit your application.

How many applications can I submit?
  • Parishes are allowed to submit one application per category. Parishes are also allowed to submit a second application if the second program is a collaboration among multiple parishes.
  • Schools and other pre-approved Catholic organizations are allowed to submit one application under the Pastoral Ministry Training and Formation category.
  • Chancery offices, please see the full descriptions of each category to see where you can submit applications.
Who can submit applications in the new Clergy Leadership and Lay & Religious Leadership categories?

Each parish may submit one application per category. This one application may be for a class for a single individual or a group training. The Chancery may also submit one application per category.

The person attending the training does not necessarily need to be the person who submits the application. A different staff member may submit an application on behalf of someone else.

I have two programs that need funding. Can I combine them into one application?

We advise that you only ask for money for one program in your application. If multiple separate applications are submitted for a parish in the same category, the pastor will be given the final say as to which application will move forward for review.

What is considered a collaborative project and how do I submit a second application for it?

A collaborative program is a program that is being put on by multiple parishes. It can be a program in any category. In the application, describe which parishes are participating and how the collaboration between parishes will increase the impact of the program.

How do I apply for the Two-Year Grant?

The Two-Year Grant is only available in the Parish Outreach category, and therefore is only available for parishes. There is no extra work that needs to be done in the regular application process. After all applications are submitted, the Foundation will review all the Parish Outreach applications and may decide to ask certain applicants to submit answers to supplemental questions. From those selected, the Foundation may decide to award a Two-Year Grant. You will be contacted by the Grants Program Manager if you have been selected to submit the supplemental questions.

How does the pastor approval work for parish applications?

In our new online application, parish applicants are required to enter their pastor’s email address as part of the application. As soon as the application is submitted, the pastor will receive an automatic email asking for his approval of the program. The pastor will be able to review the application before submitting his approval.

Applications submitted for the Chancery, Catholic schools and other organizations do not have to complete this step.

Questions? Contact Maya Reyes at reyes@cfoscc.org or call 408.995.5219