Lent as the Means, not the End

Lent as the Means, not the End

By Marie Galetto Marketing & Grants Program Manager Lent can sometimes feel a bit like a marathon. We’ve reached the halfway point and the end is in sight! The Easter celebration acts as the finish line for our Lenten sacrifices – the time when we can finally...

On a Firm Foundation: Sacrifice, Pray, Give

By Mary Quilici Aumack Executive Director We all grew up knowing that there were three intertwined actions observed during Lent: Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. In my family the focus was on SACRIFICE: We gave up meat on Ash Wednesday, and only ate one regular meal...

On a Firm Foundation: Gratitude, Hope, Legacy

By Mary Quilici Aumack Executive Director, The Catholic Community Foundation of Santa Clara County Bishop Daly once suggested to me that if I start each day with gratitude, EACH DAY would be more joy filled. So, that is my intention. Mind you, I don’t always succeed....