On a Firm Foundation: Inheritance of Hope

I once read that the greatest gift one generation can give the next is hope. For a Good Friday talk that I gave at the Cathedral Basilica, I focused on four gifts from the Cross: Compassion, Mercy, Peace and Hope. In planning the piece on Hope, I consulted my friend...

Catholic Community Foundation Symposium 2016

Catholic Foundation Symposium 2016: Dallas, TX Our executive director, Mary Quilici Aumack, joined in a nationwide gathering of Catholic community foundation leaders to share ideas and best practices, while renewing friendships and assisting in each others’...

4 Simple Ways to Reduce Your 2016 Tax Bill

For many of us, our 2015 tax returns are complete and we do not want to think about the IRS for months to come. However, keeping a charitable mind in 2016 may make next year’s tax appointment more pleasant and can be a great benefit to your parish, school or charity...